Our Free Health and Wellness Fair Was a Huge Success!

The Share & Care team, along with our joint sponsor Hindu Samaj Mandir, are pleased to announce that our recent free Health and Wellness Fair had a successful turnout with more than 100 online and onsite registrants.

Held on October 16 and organized by Dr. Bharati Palkhiwala and Dr. Savita Khosla, the fair hosted a wide array of health professionals—including internists, geriatricians, ophthalmologists, cardiologists, pulmonologists, OB/GYNS, psychiatrists, dentists, and more—who very kindly offered their time and service to the event.

Upon entering the fair, all registrants were provided with weight, BMI, and blood pressure measurements, and given brief consults or referrals when applicable. Of the 101 total guests, 94 partook in free blood work testing, 85 received free flu shots, and 65 had dental and eye screenings. Many also received screenings for depression or anxiety.

All guests received a free breakfast, and lunch was provided for our helpful volunteers.

Dr. Palkhiwala and Dr. Savita stated that they look forward to continuing this very important annual event in the future. Many people, they say, do not have the funds or the time to receive these simple screenings, which are a good first step toward analyzing a person's health.

We would like to thank our committee members who worked diligently to organize this event, and the volunteers who make the day possible. We also extend our gratitude to the Valley Hospital in Ridgewood, NJ, Hackensack University Medical Center, and the New Jersey Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired.

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